km 42
Route: mixed (asphalt and dirt)
Gradients: 1.850 m
Difficulty level: difficult
The departure is from the square of the village of San Michele di Prazzo and once you reach a crossroads turn right here on asphalt for Borgata Allemandi, from here you climb on a grassy lane through the houses until the dirt road that climbs from the Borgata Falco and always climbing on the right, you take a dirt road that leads to Colle San Michele (1.935 m) following the yellow marks of the P.O.
Once at the top you continue on the path following the yellow marks of the P.O.,
through thick pine forests of coniferous sheer on the Orrido d'Elva until Rocca Orsiere (1.996 m) and from here you can see the below villages.
It continues for the principal path along the marks P.O. / GTA coming to the carriageable of the valley and then immediately to Borgata Serre where you can see the unmistakable tower of the
parish (1.637 m. - km 16), from here continue to climb in the direction of Colle della Cavallina but shortly after you take the left fork for Borgata Martini.
It continues to pedal uphill on asphalt and on a slight climb up to the Borgata
Grangette where you turn right along a farm track that connects to the military road above, the Strada dei Cannoni (2.196 m), then continue to the left in the direction of Colle della Bicocca
(2.285 m), the wide carriage road ends here and continue on the path to the grassy hillside T6, the dirt road then becomes stony with stretches to do on foot towards the bivouac of the CAI Elio
Bonfante near Camoscere Lake (2.644 m ).
Shortly after near a river, follow the T5 on the left going down to a plateau after a descent continue to the right leaving the T5 beneath a rocky barrier, this stretch is not for cycle, you
reach Colle di Chiosso Col (2.407 m), always on the descent continue along the single track T7 where in some place will be necessary to travel it by bike to their side.
Go through a plateau and you can see the first huts, the descent becomes more fluid, past a group of houses after a series of hairpin bends to ignore the path that turns right for Campiglione and keep left arriving near the villages of the highest valley, near Borgata De Costanzi the dirt road ends and to follow the carriage road up to the Borgata Cesani where you will find the yellow markings of the P.O. that on the right take to the place of departure of San Michele.